Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Old friends

There seems to be interest in a reunion of the old neighborhood crowd. After attending my 10th year high school reunion, I passed on the subsequent ones. For the most part the girls in my high school were not my friends; the neighborhood kids were. Most of us attended catholic elementary schools and there was a competitive entrance exam for the various high schools in the area. So of the 15 or so kids in the neighborhood, we probably attended 5-6 different schools. My commute to high school took about an hour and a half and none of us drove (driving age was 18.) I needed to catch two city busses separated by a 15 minute walk (sometimes run.) We had a discounted rate for the NY city bus and paid 5¢. There are a few in the old crowd with whom I have never lost touch and others that I have reconnected with over the years. Recently I had a visit over a cup of coffee with Joe and his some of his family. He was en-route home to Iowa. We cannot help but wonder “whatever happened to . . .?” Who would be interested in a reunion? I guess the first step would be to make a list and then find the ones who have dropped from the radar. What about those who were my friends but had better things to do than earn street corner reputations? So the list comes first.

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